Piece by little piece, life here in Israel is coming together. Im learning the truth about the country and its people, but I cant learn everything at once. There are just so many things! Things that a native may take for granted. Here is a list of just a few:
- The work week starts on a SUNDAY (Yom Rishon) and ends half way through FRIDAY (Yom Shishi). Yes this means people go to work or school on Sunday and usually don't work Friday.
Which brings me to my next point
- Stores close at sundown on Friday, they stay closed through Saturday (Shabbat) and don't re open until Saturday evening. This is nice for the shopkeepers and workers that can be home on Shabbat with their families, a time to appreciate the little things, but is not so nice for someone who needs toilet paper on a Friday night. Granted most gas stations are open all week for this exact reason, but you get the point.
- Police drive around with their blue lights flashing regardless of the state of emergency. Yes, even while they are on the way to the local Falafel shop. There is a pretty interesting and simple reason behind it. They do it to increase the feeling of safety among the people, or so iv'e heard. It's true, when you see the lights, it reminds you that there is security all around. It gives off a sense of readiness. This is great and all, but someone coming from a different country, beware. You don't want to be that one fool that pulls over. Now when the sirens come on, shit gets serious. Are there any other countries that do this? What is the real reason behind it?
Just two little things that make this country what it is.
My second video blog made it to Youtube! Check it out and subscribe to the truth.
Gud Shabos